G. Jäger, K. Markström, L. Öhman, D. Shcherbak Enumeration of Row-Column Designs Arxiv version
Alexander Karpov,, K. Markström, Soren Riis, Bei Zhou Arrow's single peaked domains, richness, and domains for plurality and the Borda count Arxiv version
Alexander Karpov,, K. Markström, Soren Riis, Bei Zhou Local Diversity of Condorcet Domains Arxiv version
Alexander Karpov, K. Markström, Soren Riis, Bei Zhou Bipartite peak-pit domains Arxiv version
K. Markström, T. Pinto Random Uniform and Pure Random Simplicial Complexes Arxiv version
K. Markström Improved bounds for the shortness coefficient of cyclically 4-edge connected cubic graphs and snarks (Report ) Arxiv version
Klas Markström, Convexification of pseudoconvex domains, (Report 2001) PDF
Published or accepted.
Dolica Akello-Egwel, Charles Leedham-Green, Alastair Litterick, K. Markström, Soren Riis Condorcet Domains of Degree at most Seven Arxiv version Journal version
Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol 133, 2025.
K. Markström, Soren Riis, Bei Zhou CDL: A fast and flexible library for the study of permutation sets with structural restrictions Arxiv version Journal version
SoftwareX, Vol 28, 2024.
Victor Falgas-Ravry, K. Markström, Eero Räty Rainbow variations on a theme by Mantel: extremal problems for Gallai colouring templates Arxiv version Journal version
Combinatorica, Vol 44, 2024.
Victor Falgas-Ravry, K. Markström, Eero Räty Minimum degree conditions for rainbow triangles Arxiv version Journal version
Journal of Graph Theory, Vol 107, No 2, 2024.
G. Jäger, K. Markström, L. Öhman, D. Shcherbak Enumeration of Sets of Mutually Orthogonal Latin Rectangles Arxiv version Journal version
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol 31, No1, 2024.
Charles Leedham-Green, K. Markström, Soren Riis The Largest Condorcet Domains on 8 Alternatives Arxiv version Journal version
Social Choice and Welfare, Vol 62, 2024
Joel Larsson, Klas Markström, Polarised random k-SAT Arxiv version Journal version
Combinatorics, Probbility and Computing. Vol 32, No 6, 2023
Per Håkan Lundow, Klas Markström, Revising the universality class of the four-dimensional Ising model Arxiv version Journal version
Nuclear Physics B, Volume 993, 2023
G. Jäger, K. Markström, L. Öhman, D. Shcherbak Small Youden Rectangles and Their Connections to Other Row-Column Designs Arxiv version Journal version
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, Vol 25, No 1, 2023
C.J. Casselgren, P. Johansson, K. Markström Avoiding and extending partial edge colorings of hypercubes Arxiv version Journal version
Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol 38, No 3, 2022
Per Håkan Lundow, Klas Markström, Efficient computation of permanents, with applications to boson sampling and random matrices Arxiv version Journal version
Journal of Computational Physics, Vol 455, 2022
Joel Larsson, Klas Markström, Biased random k-SAT Arxiv version Journal version
Random Structures and Algorithms, Vol 59, No 2, 2021.
K. Markström, Carsten Thomassen Partite Turan-densities for complete r-uniform hypergraphs on r+1 vertices Arxiv version Journal version
Journal of Combinatorics, Vol 12, No 2,, 2021.
Victor Falgas-Ravry, K. Markström, Yi Zhao Triangle-degrees in graphs and tetrahedron coverings in 3-graphs Arxiv version Journal version
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, Vol 30, No 2, 2021.
Victor Falgas-Ravry, K. Markström, Andrew Treglown, Yi Zhao Existence thresholds and Ramsey properties of random posets Arxiv version Journal version
Random Structures and Algorithms. Vol 57, No 4, 2020.
C.J. Casselgren,, K. Markström, L.A. Pham Edge precoloring extension of hypercubes Arxiv version Journal version
Journal of Graph Theory, Vol 95, no 3, 2020
Zoe Gonzalez Izquierdo, Ruilin Zhou, K. Markström, Itay Hen Discriminating Non-Isomorphic Graphs with an Experimental Quantum Annealer Arxiv version Journal version
Physical Review A, Vol 102, No 3, 2020
C.J. Casselgren,, K. Markström, L.A. Pham Restricted extension of sparse partial edge colorings of hypercubes Arxiv version Journal version
Discrete Mathematics, Vol 343, No 11, 2020.
Victor Falgas-Ravry, Joel Larsson, Klas Markström, Speed and concentration of the covering time for structured coupon collectors Arxiv version Journal version
Journal of Applied Probability, vol 52, No 2, 2020
Per Håkan Lundow, Klas Markström, Revisiting the cavity-method threshold for random 3-SAT Arxiv version Journal version
Physical Review E 99, 022106, 2019
C.J. Casselgren,, K. Markström, L.A. Pham Latin Cubes with Forbidden Entries Arxiv version
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol 26, No 1, 2019
G. Jäger, K. Markström, L. Öhman, D. Shcherbak Triples of Orthogonal Latin and Youden Rectangles For Small Orders Arxiv version
Journal of Combinatorial Designs, Vol 27, No 4, 2019
L. Andren, C.J. Casselgren,, K. Markström, Restricted completion of sparse partial Latin squares Arxiv version
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, Vol 28, No 5, 2019
Victor Falgas-Ravry, K. Markström, Jacques Verstraete Full subgraphs Arxiv version
Journal of Graph theory, Vol 88, No 3, 2018.
S. Akbari, S. Friedland, K. Markström, S. Zare On 1-sum flows in undirected graphs Arxiv version
Electronic Journal of linear Algebra, Vol 31, 2016. Journal version
Victor Falgas-Ravry, K. Markström Random subcube intersection graphs I: cliques and covering Arxiv version
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol 23, No 3, 2016 Journal version
K. Markström The general graph homomorphism polynomial: Its relationship with other graph polynomials and partition functions Arxiv version
Chapter in Graph Polynomials, CRC Press, 2016
Per Håkan Lundow, Klas Markström, The scaling window of the 5D Ising model with free boundary conditions Arxiv version Journal version
Nuclear Physics B., Vol 911, 2016
Per Håkan Lundow, Klas Markström, The discontinuity of the specific heat for the 5D Ising model Arxiv version Journal version
Nuclear Physics B., Vol 895, 2015
K. Markström The straight line complexity of small factorials and primorials Arxiv version
Integers, Vol 15, 2015. Journal version
Per Håkan Lundow, Klas Markström, Complete graph asymptotics for the Ising and random cluster models on 5D grids with cyclic boundary Arxiv version
Physical Review E, Vol 91, No 2, 2015 Journal version
M. Aaghabali, S. Akbari, S. Friedland, K. Markström, Z. Tajfirouz Upper bounds on the number of perfect matchings and directed 2-factors in graphs with given number of vertices and edges Arxiv version
European Journal of Combinatorics, Vol 45, 2015
Journal version
Per Håkan Lundow, Klas Markström, Finite size scaling of the 5D Ising model with free boundary conditions Arxiv version
Nuclear Physics B, Vol 889, 2014 Journal version
Allan Lo, K. Markström l-degree Turan density Arxiv version
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Vol 28, No 3, 2014. Journal version
Demetres Christofides, K. Markström The thresholds for diameter 2 in random Cayley graphs Arxiv version
Random Structures and Algorithms, Vol 45, No 2, 2014 Journal version
Walter Vinci, Klas Markström, Sergio Boixo, Aidan Roy, Federico M. Spedalieri, Paul A. Warburton, Simone Severini Hearing the shape of Ising models: on the distinguishability power of Physics Arxiv version
Scientific Reports, July, 2014. Journal version
Allan Lo, K. Markström Perfect matchings in 3-partite 3-uniform hypergraphs Arxiv version
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Vol 127, 2014. Journal version
Allan Lo, K. Markström F-factors in hypergraphs via absorption Arxiv version
Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol 30, No 2, 2014. Journal version
Klas Markström Two questions of Erdös on hypergraphs above the Turan threshold PDFAbstract Journal version Arxiv version
Journal of Graph Theory, Vol 76, No 2, 2014
Demetres Christofides, K. Markström The range of thresholds for diameter 2 in random Cayley graphs Journal version Arxiv version
European Journal of Combinatorics, Vol 35, 2014
Jonas Hägglund, K. Markström Shortest cycle covers and cycle double covers with large 2-regular subgraphs Arxiv version Journal version
Journal of Combnatorics, Vol 4, No 4, 2013.
Gunnar Brinkmann, Jan Goedgebeur, Jonas Hägglund, K. Markström Generation and Properties of Snarks Abstract Arxiv version Journal version
Journal of Combinatorial Theory B, Vol 103, No 4, 2013.
Allan Lo, K. Markström Minimum codegree threshold for $(K_4^3-e)$-factors Arxiv version Journal version
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Vol 120, No 3, 2013
Allan Lo, K. Markström A multipartite version of the Hajnal-Szemeredi theorem for graphs and hypergraphs Arxiv version Journal version
Combinatorics Probability and Computing, Vol 22, No 1, 2013
Robert Johnson, K. Markström Turan and Ramsey Properties of Subcube Intersection Graphs PDFAbstractArxiv version Journal version
Combinatorics Probability and Computing, Vol 22, No 1, 2013
Jonas Hägglund, Klas Markström On stable cycles and cycle double covers of graphs with large circumference PDFAbstract
Discrete Mathematics, Vol 312, No 17, 2012 Journal version
Demetres Christofides, K. Markström Random Latin square graphs PDFAbstract
Random Structures and Algorithms, Vol 41, No 1, 2012 Journal version
Klas Markström Even cycle decompositions of 4-regular graphs and line graphs PDFAbstract
Discrete Mathematics, Vol 312, No 17, 2012 Journal version
Demetres Christofides, K. Markström The guessing number of undirected graphs
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol 18(2), 2011 Journal version
Klas Markström, Andrzej Rucinski Perfect matchings and Hamilton cycles in hypergraphs with large degrees, PDFAbstract
European Journal of Combinatorics, Vol 32, No 5, 2011. Journal version
Klas Markström, Andrew Thomasson, Peter Wagner Properly edge-coloured subgraphs in colourings of bounded degree PDFAbstract
Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol 27, No 2, 2011 Journal version
Per Håkan Lundow, Klas Markström, Non-vanishing boundary effects and quasi-first order phase transitions in high dimensional Ising models Arxiv versionAbstract
Nuclear Physics B, 2011, Vol 845, No 1 Journal version
Klas Markström Closure Properties and Negatively Associated Measures violating the van den Berg-Kesten Inequality PDFAbstract
Electronic Communications in Probability 2010, vol 15 Journal version
D.H.J. Polymath Density Hales-Jewett and Moser numbers ArxivAbstract
An Irregular Mind, Pages 689-753, 2010 Published version
Alioscia Hamma, Fotini Markopoulou, Seth Lloyd, Francesco Caravelli, Simone Severini, Markström A quantum Bose-Hubbard model with evolving graph as toy model for emergent spacetime,
Physical Review D, Vol 81, No 10, 2010 ArxivAbstract Journal version
Klas Markström, John Wierman Aperiodic non-isomorphic lattices with equivalent percolation and random-cluster models
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol 17, No 1, 2010. Journal version,
Preprint at institut Mittag-Leffler
Shmuel Friedland, Per Håkan Lundow, Klas Markström, Estimation of the capacity of multidimensional constraints using the $1$-vertex transfer matrix
IEEE Transactios on Information Theory, Vol 56, No 8, 2010 PDFAbstract
Klas Markström, John Talbot On the density of 2-colourable 3-graphs in which any four points span at most two edges
Journal of Combinatorial Designs. Vol 18, No 2, 2010 PDFAbstractJournal version
Anders Johansson, Robert Johansson, Klas Markström Factors of r-partite graphs.
Report No 4, 2002, Department of Mathematics, Umeå university.
Ars Combinatoria, Vol 95, 2010.
The journal verion has more detailed verison of the proofs than the report version. PDFAbstract
Per Håkan Lundow, Klas Markström, The critical behaviour of the Ising model on the 4-dimensional lattice
Physical Review E, Vol 80, No 3, 2009. PDFAbstractJournal version
Klas Markström Extremal hypersgraphs and bounds for the Turan density of the
4-uniform K_5
Discrete Mathematics. Volume 309, Issue 16, 2009 PDFAbstractJournal version
Per Håkan Lundow, Klas Markström, Reconstruction of the finite size canonical ensemble from
incomplete micro-canonical data
Central European Journal of Physics, Vol 7, No 3, 2009. PDFAbstractJournal version
Daniel Andren, K. Markström The Bivariate Ising Polynomial of a Graph
Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol 157, No 11, 2009. PDFAbstractJournal version
Klas Markström, A Note on Uniquely Pancylic Graphs
The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Vol 44 2009. PDFAbstract
Per Håkan Lundow, Klas Markström, Anders Rosengren The Ising model for the bcc, fcc and diamond lattices: a comparison
Philosophical Magazine, Vol 89, No 22-24, 2009. PDFAbstractJournal version
Shmuel Friedland, Elliot Kropp, Klas
Markström On the Number of Matchings in Regular Graphs
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 15, R110, 2008. PDFAbstractArxivJournal version
Shmuel Friedland, Elliot Kropp, Per Håkan Lundow, Klas
Markström Validations of the Asymptotic Matching Conjectures
Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol 133, No 3, 2008. ArxivJournal version
Daniel Andren, Lars Hellström, K. Markström Fast multiplication of matrices over a finitely generated semiring
Information Processing Letters, 107, no 6, 2008. PDFAbstractJournal version
Per Håkan Lundow, K. Markström Exact and Approximate Compression of Transfer Matrices for Graph Homomorphisms
LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics, No 11, 2008 PDFAbstractJournal version
Demetres Christofides, K. Markström Expansion properties of random Cayley graphs and vertex transitive graphs
Random Structures and Algortihms, 32, No 1, 2008. Journal versionPDFAbstract
K. Markström Negative association does not imply logconcavity of the rank
Journal of Applied Probabillity, 44, No 4, 2007 Journal version
2007-11-4 Updated with a reference to this preprint which gives a much more
extensive set of results on negative association, including counterexamples
to the logconcavity conjectures. PDFAbstract
Daniel Andren, Roland Häggkvist, Petras Kundrotas, Per
Håkan Lundow, Klas Markström, Anders Rosengren On the Ising model for the simple cubic lattice. Advances in Physics 56, No 5, 2007. Journal version
Daniel Andren, Lars Hellström, K. Markström On the Complexity of Matrix Reduction over Finite Fields
Advances in Applied Mathematics 39, No 4, 2007. Journal versionPDFAbstract
Per Håkan Lundow, Klas Markström, Broken cycle free subgraphs and the Log-concavity conjecture for chromatic polynomials
Experimental Mathematics, 15, No 3, 2006. PDFAbstractJournal version
Imre Leader, Klas Markström Uncountable families of vertex-transitive finite degree graphs
Discrete Mathematics, 306, No 7, 2006. Journal versionPDFAbstract
Klas Markström Locality and hard SAT-instances
Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation. 2006, Vol 2. PDFAbstract
Roland Häggkvist, K. Markström Cycle Double Covers and Spanning Minors II
Discrete Mathematics 2006, Vol 306, No 8-9 Journal versionPDFAbstract
Anders Behndig, Maria Jonsson, Klas Markström, Slit-scan tomography evaluation of the anterior chamber and corneal configurations at different ages
Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavia, 2006, No 84, Vol 1 Journal version
Roland Häggkvist, K. Markström Cycle Double Covers and Spanning Minors I
Journal of Combinatorial Theory B, 2006, Vol 96, No 2. Journal versionPDFAbstract
K. Markström Extremal graphs for some problems on cycles in graphs
Congressus numeratium, 2004, Vol 171
(Conference volume for Thirty-fifth
Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics Graph Theory
and Computing,)
Anders Behndig, Klas Markström Determination of the Aquous Humor Volume by 3-dimensional Mapping of the
Anterior Chamber
Ophthalmic Research, 2005, Vol 37, No 1 Journal version
Daniel Andr\'en, Roland Häggkvist, Petras Kundrotas, Per
Håkan Lundow, Klas Markström, Anders Rosengren Computation of the Ising partition function for two-dimensional square
The polynomials described in the paper can be found
Physical Review E, Vol 69, No 4, 2004. Journal version Preprint versionAbstract
Daniel Andr\'en, Roland Häggkvist, Petras Kundrotas, Per
Håkan Lundow, Klas Markström, Anders Rosengren A Monte Carlo sampling scheme for the Ising model
Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol 114, no 1/2, 2004.
K. Markström Complete Minors in Cubic Graphs with few short Cycles and Random Cubic
Ars Combinatoria, vol 70, 2004,
A. Ambroladze, K. Markström, H. Wallin.
Stability versus Hyperbolicity in Dynamical Systems
Real Analysis Exchange, Vol. 25 (1999/00), no. 1,